Instrument Mesurement Knowledge

What are the Reasons that Affect the Accuracy of Portable Ultrasonic Flow Meter?

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The portable ultrasonic flow meter calculates the flow rate and flow volume of a fluid by sending ultrasonic signals and measuring the propagation time of the signals, which has the advantages of non-contact, non-pollution, high accuracy and high reliability, and is therefore widely used in various fields. However, the portable ultrasonic flow meter may be affected by a variety of disturbing factors during the measurement process.

  • Scaling on the inner wall of the pipeline: Scaling on the inner wall of the pipeline will affect the propagation of ultrasonic waves, resulting in measurement errors of the flowmeter. The solution is to use a cleaning device to remove the deposits in the pipe.

  • Fluid velocity: portable ultrasonic flow meter is theoretically a uniform distribution of fluid in the pipeline, but in practice, it is not.In theory, the portable ultrasonic flow meter distributes the fluid uniformly in the pipe, but in practice, there is no uniform distribution of flow velocity, and the distribution of fluid will have errors that affect the accuracy of the measurement. The fluid distribution will have errors that will affect the accuracy of the measurement.

  • Power supply fluctuations: power supply fluctuation range is large, may also lead to errors in the flow meter. This can be resolved through the use of power regulator calibration. 

  • Pipe vibration: pipe vibration can lead to errors in the flow meter. To mitigate this interference, you can install a compensator or strengthen the pipe support.

  • Ambient temperature: Changes in ambient temperature may also affect the measurement accuracy of the meter. This can be calibrated by using temperature compensation methods.

  • Noise: noise in the environment, such as mechanical noise, electromagnetic noise, etc., may have an impact on the measurement of ultrasonic flowmeter. The use of sound insulation measures or filters can reduce noise interference.

  • Electromagnetic wave interference: in the electromagnetic environment of the complex workplace, electromagnetic waves may interfere with the measurement signal of portable ultrasonic flow meter. This interference can be reduced by using filters to isolate stray wave signals.

In order to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the measurement, it is necessary to take appropriate measures to reduce or eliminate these interferences. portable ultrasonic flow meter types are abundant, there are insertion type ultrasonic flow meter, pipe section type ultrasonic flow meter, the external clip type ultrasonic flow meter, portable ultrasonic flow meter, handheld ultrasonic flow meter and explosion-proof ultrasonic flow meter and so on many kinds of types. The flowmeter can be used in a variety of types. In the selection, installation can contact ARTang technical personnel, and according to the actual working conditions for selection.

ARTANG flowmeter
Hangzhou City, Zhejiang

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